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Symbolic ceremony

Verona - Venice - Lake Garda

The Blessing (or symbolic ceremony) is a ceremony which the spouses confirm their promise of love accompanied by the blessing of a religious or moral authority recognized by the couple.

In this way the spouses celebrate their relationship for life according to their religious and cultural beliefs.

Structure of ceremony

The texts are carefully prepared before the ceremony.

The content depends very much on which kind ceremony you want to celebrate.

If you want to give the idea of ​​a civil and real celebration we mainly follow these steps:

  • The initial greeting of the celebrant to Sposi and invited guests;

  • Reading the articles of the civil code;

  • The ritual questions to the spouses;

  • The declaration to the consent of the spouses;

  • The reading of the marriage act;

  • The final greeting of the celebrant to newlyweds and guests.


If instead you want to give less formality and more freedom to the celebration, you can follow, for example, these steps:

  • the initial greeting of the celebrant to Sposi and invited;

  • reading a poem;

  • the reading of three articles of the civil code;

  • the declaration of consent by the spouses; Wedding vows;

  • reading another poetry / reading (Shakespeare's sonnet, etc.);

  • The final greeting of the celebrant.


The ceremony can last from 20 minutes to 50 minutes, depending on the wishes of the couple and the creation of texts, which takes place a few months after the ceremony.


It is a significant figure of the wedding day: interprets the agreed texts and leads the ceremony from the bride's entrance until the final moment. Our celebrants speak Italian, English, German, Japanese and Spanish.


Readings and poems are fundamental to enrich the wedding ceremony with suggestion. The texts are carefully chosen and personalized with the bride and groom to make the ceremony intimate and unforgettable.


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045 9231890

Via Sommacampagna 20/L, Verona

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